Tuesday 23 September 2014

The Body Shop Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter

Taking makeup off is a chore to me meaning a quick wipe over the face with a makeup wipe is me done. Till I was scrolling through instagram and spotted a lot of people raving about this new cleansing butter and being easily influenced here I am with it now. 

This cleansing butter is much like the Emma Hardie Cleansing Balm but for £36 my student budget can't stretch to those prices. Retailing at £12 the Body Shop's equivalent is perfect for the budget any student is working with.  

With this product a little really does go a long way which helps if you want to get your moneys worth. Using a few pea sized amounts dissolves makeup and even works well on tough mascara and stubborn eyeliner. As advised by a member of staff I use a muslin cloth and warm water to remove the butter and every last bit of makeup is removed. Don't be put off this product if you're not the biggest fan of the camomile smell as the smell is subtle leaving skin feeling soft. 

Have you tried this yet?

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