Saturday 15 December 2012

Bumble and Bumble Colour Minded Range

I was in Boots looking at the hair products when one of the staff members handed me this sample of some Bumble and Bumble shampoo, conditioner and styling balm for people with coloured or dip dyed hair since a new Bumble and Bumble stand had opened in the Boots, as I know Bumble and Bumble is quite pricey I was glad to be given some samples.
The shampoo and conditioner smelt amazing not only in the shower but afterwards when I dried my hair I could still smell the product sometimes the smell just fades away after its been dried but this time it hadn't, I couldn't stop smelling my hair afterwards. Using both the shampoo and conditioner together made my hair feel really soft and from reading the information on the card I got given it seems that these products are good for the hair, The shamoo is mild and sulphate free and the conditioner is rich in moisture.
I've never really used a styling balm before though when I straighten my hair in the morning I always have flat hair and no matter how much I try to backcomb or push my hair up it goes flat straight away so I was quite excited to give this a try. I applied this to towel dryed hair and i put a little too much onto my hair so once it was try my hair felt really greasy and I had to then wash some of my hair but the next day I was able to style my hair in the way I wanted it and it actually stayed put for longer. I used less of the product the next time it came to drying my hair and used less around the top of my head and I didn't have to re-wash my hair and it didn't feel greasy at all. The styling balm also works as a UV protector.
I can't wait to buy more Bumble and Bumble products after trying my first sample.  

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